After years of traveling the universe preserving tranquility and promoting goodwill towards humans and aliens alike, the intrepid Starship crew that Captain Jean-Luc Picard has long thought of as his family is breaking up. Officer William Riker has married Counselor Deanna Troi and now Riker will assume the capataincy of the U.S.S. Titan. As the U.S.S. Enterprise travels from Riker's wedding in Alaska toward Troi's homeworld of Betazed, where a second ceremony will be performed, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge detects an unusual electromagnetic signature from the nearby planet Kolarus III. A quick search uncovers the dismantled pieces of an android fashioned after the Enterprise's own Lieutenant Commander Data. Back on course to Betazed, the starship is diverted once more when Picard receives a message from Admiral Janeway that the Romulans, longtime enemies of the Federation, have undergone a political upheaval, and their new leader, the Praetor, wants to discuss a peace treaty with the Federation. The Enterprise is the closest starship to the Neutral Zone; thus, it is up to Picard and his crew to respond and determine the Praetor's sincerity. Once in the shadow of the Romulan Empire, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise crew are thrust into the center of a plot that could lead to the destruction of Earth at the hands of a new and chilling nemesis.