The film revolves around events of political turmoil within Russia during the dissolution of the Communist Government. Artem, a Professor of "Scientific Atheism" in the Leningrad university, is visiting his brother, a highly placed army official, in a small neighboring town. His brother's teenage daughter shows up with an unknown friend called Valery, who turns out to be a heavy partier.
Valery later sets off with a female student named Angelika, who is also the daughter of a high-ranking Communist Official. In search for more alcohol, Valery brings her to a farm of moonshiners. What seems to be the owner, is a convicted murderer, who argues with the Professor in a previous occasion about retribution from sins and his belief in God. Behind the scenes a stranger, a housewife named Antonina and a Vietnamese farmer work communally at the farm.
The Professor's car breaks down, where he visits the isolated farmhouse of which he gets help by the Vietnamese farmer. The professor denounces god, hampering the faith of the drunk murderer, of which afterwards Valery stops by with his temporary date. The political atmosphere of the film depicts a transference from normality to paranoia as the plot thickens.
The plot thickens as the Valery passes out and the girl tries to escape. The girl senses bad vibes from the residents and in turn hides in a barn with advice from the housewife. The stranger, revealed to be a police officer, kills the Vietnamese farmer and goes after the girl bringing her to his flat in a heavily industrialized autonomous region of Russia.
The kidnapped girl's boyfriend, who is a soldier in Afghanistan, turns out to have been killed on duty. This is where all of the girl's hope of being saved turns to the worst point in the film. The police officer and maniac has the body of her dead boyfriend shipped to his apartment where he displaces it next to the screaming girl. The murderer is blamed for the killing at which this time he gets killed by more army officials and the old men inspecting incoming shipment get arrested.
At the very end of the movie, Antonina, the housewife, decides to make things right with her own rifle...