In the world of underground motorcycle clubs, the undefeated racer known as Smoke is the undisputed "King of Cali." But Smoke's dominance of the set is about to be threatened by a young motorcycle racing prodigy called Kid, who is determined to win Smoke's helmet and earn the coveted title.
Kid says that the difference between men and boys are the lessons they learn- and that his father, Slick Will, taught him plenty. Kid's mother, Anita, is left a single mother after Kid's father dies. A challenger for Smokes crown crashes, sending a bike hurtling into Kid's father- Smoke's mechanic, Slick Will.
Six months after the funeral of Kid's father, he decides to take up racing on the underground circuit without his mother's knowledge.
His first "race" was when he interfered with Stuntman's race with Donny. He wins the race and the crowd seem to like his stunts, much to the dissatisfaction of Smoke.
Fellow biker Primo tells them to create a biker gang, and after a bit of persuasion they agree, calling themselves the "Biker Boyz."